December, 05, 2007

Testimony from Nel where YAH has revealed
HIS NAME in the clouds a second time

See YAH's NAME below

Hi Brothers and Sisters in YAHUSHUA

Amazing things are starting to happen in these end times.
ABBA YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and MOMMA RUACH HA KODESH are showing us great miracles, daily.

Two days ago, me and Nico A. (also a partner in the Almightywind Ministry), went out and started ministering in the streets. We both felt led by MOMMA RUACH to just go out and tell everyone about the Almightywind ministry and that YAHUSHUA is coming sooner than we all think.

It was an awesome experience. I could feel YAHUSHUA speak inside me, telling me to whom I should minister. As we were driving to different locations, I could feel YAHUSHUA telling me inside, where to go and in which directions to drive.

One time we were driving along a specific road. YAHUSHUA had told us to keep on driving straight ahead. Then HE said, turn right at the next road. But as we came closer to the turn in the road, we both realised that the road was only going left, although there was a sign, standing on the ground, indicating a right turn, there was no turn to the right. I was confused, so I asked YAHUSHUA again, "YAHUSHUA don't you mean turn left?" But HE said, "NO, turn right."

We both were really confused, but we obeyed YAHUSHUA. As we came closer to the turnoff, we noticed a car standing next to the road. That's when I realised that we should also minister to the man in the car, standing on the right side of the road. At first the man thought we would be asking for directions but then we also ministered to him. He was so glad and he thanked us for showing him the truth.

We have also realised that so many many people are not understanding what is really going on in the world and in the spiritual realm and that YAHUSHUA is waiting for HIS sheep to go back to HIM.

Later on that day, we were driving past two young ladies. Then YAHUSHUA said, "speak to them!". It all happened so quickly, so I rolled down the window and told them, "Excuse me, I just want to tell you something." Then the one lady started walking faster and the other one followed, ignoring us. I told Nico, "they think we are harrassing them." So we drove around the block and went past them for a second time. This time, I basically leaned out of the window trying to get their attention.

That's when they started to walk really fast.
Nico asked, "Are you sure that is what YAHUSHUA wants?"
And I said, "Definitely, we have to stop them and tell them something."
After going around the block for the third time, Nico parked the car near a security gate. The gate is the entrance into another neighbourhood. Both ladies were already going through the gate.

I jumped out of the car and started jogging towards them. Then I noticed a security guard standing at the gate. Suddenly a thought came to my mind, "what if they start shouting and the guard captures me?" I immediately rebuked that thought in the precious Name of YAHUSHUA and continued.

When I reached the gate, the two ladies were about 30 feet infront of me. The guard looked at me and I smiled at him and I greeted him friendly. He replied with a friendly smile. Then I decided to just walk through the gate and continue following the ladies. The guard basically ignored me afterwards and he continued with his business. Praise YAHUSHUA for keeping the guard calm in that way!!

As I went through the gate, I have noticed that the ladies were going indside another yard. I assumed that it was their house. So I shouted these following words, "Excuse me, I'm feeling led by the Holy Spirit to tell you something". These words grabbed the attention of one of the ladies and she stopped walking and turned around. Suddenly I felt YAHUSHUA telling me inside, "tell her that I'M coming much sooner than they think and that she should also be ready." Her face lit up and she was speechless. In fact, I was speechless too.

Then I realised that the other lady's eyes had dark blue marks and I felt YAHUSHUA telling me, "she is using drugs." The lady who stopped first, will also be caught in this deadly web of addiction, if she is not going to accept YAHUSHUA and turn back to HIM.

I spoke to both of them, telling them that YAHUSHUA loves them too and no sin on earth is too big for YAHUSHUA to forgive. If we would only accept YAHUSHUA and our Saviour and MESSIAH!

Upon my return, MOMMA RUACH suddenly told me that I should look into the sky.
At that time, I was driving on the highway, but I could see stripes forming in the clouds. When I reached my house, I jumped out and I could clearly see YAH's Name being written in the clouds.

YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA loves us all so much and THEY are starting to show is GREAT miracles again.